Complex Networks 2022 Awards

Best Oral Presentation

The Oral Presentation Award has been assigned to:

    • Daniel Thilo Schroeder for the contribution "Understanding the Evolution of Reddit in Temporal Networks induced by User Activity" by Nora Marcoux, Pedro G Lind, Johannes Langguth, Andreas Huber and DanielThilo Schroeder

Best Lightning Presentation

The Lightning Presentation Award has been assigned to:

  • Alessia Galdeman for the contribution "Disentangling the Growth of Web3 Blockchain-based Networks by Graph Evolution Rules" by Alessia Galdeman, Maria Pia Chiatante, Matteo Zignani and Sabrina Gaito

Best Poster Presentation

The Poster Presentation Award has been assigned to:

  • Miri Adler for the contribution "Detecting network hyper-motifs in real networks and their emergent properties" by Miri Adler and Ruslan Medzhitov